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Child Development

Every parent is concerned about his or her baby’s development. To simplfy for parents, baby’s development can be divided into three general categories:

 Mental/Language development refers to information processing abilities such as attention, memory, categorization and the use of language to communicate and to understand the world.

 Physical/Motor/ Sensory Development includes the muscle and nervous system changes that allow the child to manipulate body parts, interact with objects, engage in forms of locomotion and monitor sounds, visual information and other aspects of world.

 Social/Emotional Development involves the personal skills that allow the child to interact with others and to experience and display emotions.


Mental/Language Development

Physical.Motor/Sensory Development

Social/Emotional Development

2nd Month

Recognizes familiar faces, toys and sounds

Uses eyes And head to follow things that move

Makes squealing and gurgling sounds that could be called “cooing” or “gurgling”.
Responds in an automatic way when touched at various placessuch as sucks when something touches the mouth

Makes different facial expressions in response to different tastes

Puts fingers and hands into the mouth or uses them to touch toys
Smiles sometimes when interacting with other person

Has different cries when in pain, sleepy or hungry

Looks more at faces than at toys or other objects

3rd moth -6th month

Examines objects by using hands and by putting them in mouth

Produces sequences of vocalizations that sounds like letters such as ma, da, ba or pa

Likes to listen to people, particularly when someone speaks with high pitch and simple words(“babytalk”)
Can hold objects in hand with fingers wrapped around them

Pulls self to a sitting position and sits without support

Tries to grasp things that are out of reach


Acts towards other babies as if they are toys

Displays different types of smiles during interactions with other people

Playes peekaboo
7th month to Ist birthday

Performs some deliberate actions in order to solve problems

Uses words or gestures to refer to specific people or things

Retrieves a toy as soon as it disappears

Walks when supported by furniture or a person

Holds objects and manipulates them using the thumb and a finger
Sometimes shows fear or anxiety when in an unfamiliar situation

Engages others by pointing  toward objects and follows the pointing displayed by others

Becomes able to express anger

Promoting your baby's development from birth to 3 months

The foundation of a healthy relationship between you and your baby begins in the womb and continues as he grows. Build on this foundation through verbal and non verbal communication.

Touch me, baby! Keep your baby close to you and caress him with light strokes and kisses. Your newborn will feel safe, secure and loved. Let him grasp your fingers and touch your face.

Freedom of speech. Language development begins even before your baby can understand a word, so talk to baby as often as possible. Use simple words and keep in mind that the tone of your voice conveys emotions as well.

Let's change you view. Changing baby's position often will offer him a different perspective. Hold him facing outward, or with closesupervision, place him on his tummy. Offer a colorful toy or make interesting sounds to encourage him to stimulate his mind. If baby gets sleepy, place him on his back to sleep.

I'll be there for you. The typical newborn cries for more than two hours on any given day. This is his way of telling you he needs a diaper change, a feeding session, or simply reassurance that you are nearby. Respond quickly to his needs and let him know you are there. This will help build a strong bond and give him the confidence he will need later on to do things on his own.

Seeing red( and black and white). Newborns can see only inches away. High contrast colors such as red, black and white attract your baby's attention, and the visual stimulation helps his brain's visual centre to develop.Nutrition also playsa role in obtaining excellent vision.

Promoting your baby's development from 4 months to 6 months

Playing and learning are synonymous at this age, but you dont need expensive educational toys or the latest education DVDs to promote your baby's learning. Try one of these instead

Toys for tots. At this age, babies enjoy colorful toys, especially those that make sounds such as a musical toy or a small rattle. Be creative!. Let your baby play with household items like plastic bowls or measuring cups. Watch out for toys with small detachable parts that your baby might put in his mouth. Put out only one or two toys at a time to help your baby focus. Encourage your baby to stretch out by placing a toy slightly out of reach, or turn his head by holding a toy that makes sounds out of sight.

Peekaboo, I see You! Playing games are fun for both you and your child. Play peekaboo by covering your face with your hands, then removing your hands. Alternatively, you may cover baby's face with his hands. Ask, “Where are your toes?” Then touch your baby's toes and say, “Here are your toes!”

The great outdoors. A stroll through a park, a trip to the supermarket, a visit to grandma and grandpa..these simple trips can be great adventures for a baby. Let your baby enjoy.

Time for my space. When your baby turns aways, closes his eyes, or gerts fussy, it may be a sign that he wants to take a break. Babies need their space too. Responding to your baby's needs will help build your bay's trust in you.

Promoting your baby's development from 7 months to 9 months

Your baby has started to explore on his own and is on his way to becoming more independent. Keep playtime safe and fun with these ideas.

Safety First. As your baby begins to explore, keep away choking hazards, breakable materials and poisonous substances from your baby. Cover all electrical outlets, install child locks on doors and cabinets, remove furniture with sharp edges from rooms where your baby plays. Put aside any lightweight objetcs that your baby may use to pull himself up, such as plants, potted trees and floor lamps.

Baby, talk to me! Keep chatting with your baby. Tell him what you are doing and give him time to respond, or wait for him to repeat the sounds that you make. He may not be able to answer just yet, but you can already encourage him to join you in conversation.

Cause and effect. Now is the time for baby to learn that he can make things happen! Push the buttons on a toy phone and listen to it ring. Squeeze the button on the suffed toy and watch it shake or dance.

Read to lead. Reading aloud is one of the simplest ways to boost language development. Start with picture books with colorful pictures. Make reading time more interesting with facial expressions, sound effects and different voices for each charachter!

Promoting your baby's development from 10 months to 12 months

As you count down the days until your baby's first year, he gets more and more curious about his surroundings. Encourage him to learn, play and discover more new things as he walks his way into his toddler years.

Conversation practice. Keep conversations going with your baby. If he wants his favourite stuffed toy, ask him what knid of sound it makes. Wait for his response before giving the correct answer. If he reached for a book, ask if he would like to read a story. Ask more than “yes” or “no” questions. Ask your baby questions about the pictures too!

Repeat after me. Repetition can reinforce the connections in your baby's brain as well as build self confidence. Play peekaboo one more time. If your baby wants you to read a book you have just read, read it again with as much enthusiasm as you did the first time.

Music to my ears. Musiccan help soothe, entertain and teach your baby. Learning numbers or body parts through songs is an effective way of teaching your baby. Find out your baby's favourite lullaby or children's song.

The good, the bad, and your baby. Your child can not tell right from wrong yet, but you can already steer him in the right direction. Praise him for good decisions. If he is hurting others, explain in calm voice why that behaviour is wrong then distract him with a favourite toy or activity.